Friday, August 22, 2008

Why I am Mormon part IV

I opened the door and to my surprise found two drop dead gorgeous women standing there with name tags that read Sister Glancy and Sister Niu. Sister Glancy was one of those women who could have been an ante-bellum southern belle and Sister Niu was the vision of a princess from the South Seas. I quickly let them with another girl from the ward who's name was Susan. For some reason I felt kind of ashamed to have the hard rock blaring from my room and asked if I could go turn off my music. The sisters looked at each other and smiled and said it would be no problem. As I went quickly to my room to turn off my music I was in a quandary as what to do. These two women were not the young men I had prepared myself for. When I returned to the living room they were sitting on the floor facing the couch where I was supposed to sit. I tried to get them to sit on the couch but they told me they were comfortable on the floor. They introduced themselves and we made some small talk. They then asked if we could say a prayer. I told them they could do whatever they wanted. They asked if I wanted anyone to say it and I told them I didn't care. One of the sisters I don't remember who said she would say the prayer. They bowed their heads and started to talk out loud. (some people have the strangest looks on their faces when they pray.) I just sat there and looked at them as they talked to nothing. When they had finished and said amen Sister Glancy asked me what I thought about God. Now I had often had this question asked of me and I had a whole page full of questions as to who or what God might be if he/she/it even existed. But strangely enough the idea that popped first into my mind was not to talk about atheism or about some super cosmic cloud in the sky but rather what came first to my mind was a vision of an older man with a white beard and a full head of hair somewhere sitting upon a throne. I told the sisters this and didn't ask about my blobs or that God was grown up version of Santa Claus. The sisters looked at each other again and smiled and said that I wasn't far off. They then explained to me about how God was my literal father in Heaven and how I was one of his children. They then asked if I had ever heard of Jesus Christ. I told them I had and once again non of my arguments involving Jesus Christ popped into my head. They asked if I would like to watch a movie called the Lamb of God. I told them we could and we could even listen to it on surround sound. They put in a movie that went through the life of Christ. Now I had been raised as I said by Christian parents so I knew the basic story about Jesus and I accepted that he was a real historical figure but not the son of God by any means. As I watched the movie I remember getting rather upset at what was happening to this man. I remember thinking to myself, why should he be punished for simply saying what he believes and teaching it. I thought to myself that I wouldn't want someone to beat me or hurt me simply for what I believed. And while I thought the things he taught were what made men weak and didn't encourage people to better themselves at the same time he wasn't exactly teaching people to sacrifice babies or commit genocide. As he was nailed to a cross and lifted up for all the world to see a certain sadness entered into my heart and I had to tell myself not to cry. Now in all my life I had never felt this way from simply watching a movie. And I certainly had never felt like that when thinking about Jesus. As the movie ended the sisters looked at each other and then at me and asked me what I thought. I told them I thought the movie was good and that I liked it. The sisters then asked me if I had ever heard of the Book of Mormon. I told them I was currently reading it and I was 1st Nephi chapter seven. For the first time I caught them off guard. They asked if I had any questions and I turned my book open and asked them the questions I had had that Sheena was unable to answer. The responded to each one and answered it. They seemed to enjoy my questions and I really enjoyed to my surprise learning the answers. They asked if I would go to church that Sunday and I told them I had went the Sunday before and I caught them off guard again. They asked me what I thought of it and I told them it was okay but it was really long and sometimes kinda boring. They told me they expected to see me that Sunday then and they ended our meeting again my talking to some invisible guy that I was unable to see. That Sunday rolled around and Sheena had gone home for the weekend(so I didn't have to put up a front) and I decided to test these Mormons. Instead of a suit and white shirt and tie I wore a blue Hawaiian shirt with yellow flowers unbuttoned with a wife beater as an undershirt. I put on a pair of cutoff jean shorts with stings hanging down and put flip flops on my feet. I was going to test these Mormons and see if they would kick me out of the church or treat me differently if I didn't look and dress like them. When I arrived at church that Sunday......

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